IP WebCam Viewer + Gallery
The world is wonderful. Travel around the world! You can visit your dream place almost free and live. The app does not collect any data. Read the help and use the editing function to reach any number of webcams. Send the live image to your friends and save it. If you have any problems, reporting back to
[email protected] is better than a negative rating. Write to us if you have suggestions for improving the app. Inform us about your WebCam URLs with a refresh rate <= 5 images per second. These will be included with the next update! To
[email protected] Thank you!♥ The gallery function has been optimized ♥ The time display is formatted in German or Endlisch ♥ The viewer has been improved ♥ 20 new active webcams will be installed ♥ Android 4-10 ♥ Target 14+, 29